Vegan donuts

 The vegan dessert I have choosen is a normal donut but with vegan ingredients. 

The ingredients that it needs are: 

1 banana

1 apple 

Melted chocolate to cover the donuts.

1 tablespoon yeast 

1 tablespoon of oil 

35 g of oatmeal.

This is a very easy recipe that only needs 5 minutes to do it. 

At first, you have to crush the banana and the apple with the yeast, the oatmeal and the oil

When you have the dought done, you must introduce the dought in a donut shaped container

 After that, you must introduce it in the oven for around 30 minutes. 

When you have taken out the donuts, you have to cover it with the melted chocolate. 

Then you have to wait until the chocolate has cooled. 

Now, you can enjoy your vegan donuts. 😏😉



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